Uche – UO Styling https://uostyling.com personal image & fashion stylist Sat, 06 Feb 2021 18:55:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 Knitwear Midi Dress Edit https://uostyling.com/knitwear-midi-dress-edit/ Mon, 11 Jan 2021 00:21:42 +0000 https://uostyling.com/?p=616

I got this midi dress from Mango about a month ago. It’s so comfortable and one I will recommend if you are into midi dresses and comfortable ones that are also transitional. I have selected a few of my favourite ones from mango that you can work from home with. What I love the most about these dresses is that you can switch up the styling if you are going into work with a pair of knee-high boots during the winter or ankle boots with tights. You can also dress them up with pointy heels for a day out (when we can move around of course). At the same time, they are chic and comfortable to wear as a work from home outfit whilst snuggled with your faux fur home boots.

Shop the Mango edit

Body Image, Holistic Health and Wellness https://uostyling.com/body-image-holistic-health-and-wellness/ Sat, 28 Sep 2019 10:23:24 +0000 https://uostyling.com/?p=348

When you look in the mirror what do you see and more importantly, do you like what you see?  If your answer was yes, then kudos to you! You are one of the very few people in our world today, who possess a healthy body image of themselves; one who is comfortable in their skin and their appearance.


We live in a world driven by social media and unfortunately it continues to play an increasing active role in influencing our views, belief and acceptance of our bodies which in turn affects our wellbeing.

A positive body image starts from within. Over the years Psychologists have addressed and established that there is a link between what we wear and our emotions.  How we feel and see ourselves, affects the presentation of self.


Over the years, numerous studies have shown that individuals who have low self-esteem or a negative body image of themselves are more likely for instance, to wear black (to feel invisible), baggy clothes (to cover themselves up). On the flip-side, individuals who are happy and positive will gravitate towards bright and happy colours, to match their positive mood.

In a world where presentation of self is entwined in almost every aspect of life, developing and nurturing a positive body image is paramount. It is pertinent to our holistic health and wellbeing and the key to helping us look after it well.


Holistic health and wellbeing is an approach to life, one that focuses on the connection between mind, body and spirit.   There are five aspects of holistic health and wellbeing – Physical, emotional, social, spiritual and mental – all these influence, one way or another how we present ourselves to the wider world.

Over the course of time and in the follow-up newsletters, we will take a closer look at holistic health and wellbeing, dissecting each element in greater detail.

In the meantime, here are five things you can start doing  now to help you develop or improve a positive body image; which stems from self-acceptance and love.

  • Practice positive self -talk

Studies have shown that during the course of the day, we talk to ourselves more than anyone else. The question therefore is, what are you saying to yourself? Turn all that negative talks about self into positivity.

  • Appreciate your body

Celebrate and appreciate all that your body can do for you; thinking, dancing, running, swimming; the lot.  To have a healthy body is more important than having an Instagram defined perfection, which in reality is not attainable!  Celebrate you!

  • Keep a list

Keep a list of all the things you like about yourself. Your list should be holistic, that is include, mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and social.  This will give you a true picture of you as a whole and not narrowed down to sections or body parts.

  • Surround yourself with Positivity

Create a positive environment. Surround yourself with positive people and things that make you happy. A positive environment cultivates positive thoughts and a happy heart.

  • Don’t believe the hype

When it comes to body image, do not believe all you see and read on social media.  No one is perfect. If this were true, then we would all look the same.  Perfection is relative to the individual.  What is perfect for one individual will not be perfect for the next. We all cannot be 6ft tall, with blue eyes. Some of us are exquisite being 5ft tall and curvaceous like the figure 8.

A positive body image should flow from self-acceptance and love.
